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lunes, 5 de junio de 2017


The computer is an electronic machine that receives and processes data to convert into useful information that subsequently is sent to the output units.

They have to essential parts: 

·hardware: fisic composition (electronic circuits, cables, keyboard...)

·software: intangible part (programmes, details, information...)

Evolution of the computer:

·First generation (1951-1958)
They used bulbs to process information, The operators enter de data and programmes in special codes by means of perforated cards. Internal storage was achieved with a faster rotating drum. Those computers were biggers and they generated more heat than the actual models.
In 1953 they started to built electronic computers with the first example IBM 701 that turned into a commercially viable product.

·Second generation (1959-1964)
The invention of the transistor makes possible a new generation of computers faster, smaller and with less ventilation needs, They used networks of magnetic cores.

·Third generation (1964-1971)
They incorpored integrated circuits in which thousands of electronic components are miniatures. Computers were designed fot mathematical business applications but not for both. The IBM 360 one of the first commercial computers to use integrated circuits, could perform this two things (numerical analysis and administration) at the same time.

·Fourth generation (1971-1984)

This date is marked by the appearence in 1971 oof the first microprocessor by Intel.

·Fifth generation (1984-nowardays)
Invention of the microprocessor, memory chips...

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