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miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017


Ever wondered why someone came up with a console and for what?
How did they improve over time?

There are many models of consoles that are divided into generations:
1. GENERATION: The creators of the first recreational machine were Odyssey and Atari. They were made of circuitry instead of being structured like the computers (they did not have RAM, processors, ...)
The first console to reach homes was the Magnavox Odyssey. It was only marketed in America. This machine already included the system of cartridges interchangeable to be able to play several games. A total of 28 games were taken, which had no sound and it was the player who should remember the scores

2. GENERATION: The ROM is introduced in video game cartridges and joysticks, which allowed better playability.
One of the most notable consoles was the Atari 2600. It was launched in America in October of 1977. This concola consisted of 4 integrated circuits that provided enormous potential. We highlight among its characteristics:
                       · Central processing unit complete

                       · Management of graphics and sounds in a circuit called TIA

                       · Memory supply circuit and input / output control

                       · Standard CMOS buffer

This console was sold accompanied by 2 joysticks, a pair of paddle-type controllers and a game cartridge. Atari had a big failure because of a game that he believed would be sold, but on the contrary, and had to bury a lot of The ones left over in the New Mexico desert.

3. GENERATION: Due to the failure of the previous generation, the companies began to yield, and the Japanese took advantage. During this generation mainly they faced 2 companies: SEGA AND NINTENDO. They came to 8 bits and that made the graphics better. The strong point were the new games made by these two companies.

An example of a console is the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was marketed by first come to Japan in 1983. What stood out from this console were its games, such as Donkey Kong, Mario Bros or Zelda that could be played for hours. With the Zelda game was introduced the idea that allowed to save up to 3 different games by simply including in the cartridge a small memory powered by a clock battery.

 4. GENERATION: The battle between Sega and Nintendo continues, it goes from 8 to 16 bits, which means a great improvement in graphics and an increase in capacity when saving data. In this generation the change of cartridge to CD was introduced.

An example of the generation console is the Sega Mega Drive. It was the first console with 16 real bits. The console was popular in the US due to video games like Sonic Hedgehog.

5. GENERATION: It went from the 16 bits to the 32 bits (although they had 64 bits), improving again the sound and the image. Also introduced were 3D environments that were gradually replacing 2D.

An example of a console at the time is the Play Station. It is from the Sega company and was launched in Japan in December 1994. It had a 32-bit processor and several RAM. It was not the first to include the CD-ROM for the distribution of the games. With this console came longer games and more history, also added memory cards that were keeping the game as you were advancing.

6. GENERATION: It is the age of 128 bits. In this generation it is common for the consoles to be equipped with ergonomic controls and external memories. From this generation the CD is standardized as a means of distribution of games and the connections in network and in the internet are added, which allowed to play online.

An example is the Xbox. It has a 32-bit processor, 64 Mb RAM and a 256-bit GPU and an 8 Gb hard drive. It was a platform that allowed users to play online with anyone in the world who was also connected and download things. Some console owners had fires and burns due to defects in cable designs and power supplies.

7. GENERATION: We go from talking bits to CPUs with multi-core technologies, we introduce a new storage format, the Blu-ray Disc. The wireless controls appear and a new form of control where the control is your body and the WI-FI.

One console at a time is the Wii. The most striking feature is its wireless control, which detects the movements that the player makes from side to side as he points. It has accessories for the command to turn it into a crossbow, piscola, steering wheel, tennis racket, etc ... to make the game more fun.

There are also curious consoles like the Virtual Boy. It was created in 1995 by the interest of people in virtual reality. This game consoles needed to be on a tripod allowed to see 3D images looking through some viewers located in its front part. It could run on batteries or plugged into the mains.

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